| |
mm/dd | Year 2019 |
| |
09/03 |
Expanding NMR Relaxometry hardware offers
09/01 |
Urgently needed: data formats standardization
08/26 |
Escalation of the Table-Top NMR Spectrometers War!
07/12 |
AIP - Applied Inverse Problems Conference
06/07 |
Glimpses from the 11th FFC NMR Relaxometry Conference
05/25 |
For my Italian collegues: my Chapters in the book "RMN in Medicina"
03/03 |
2019 edition of the MMCE Conference
| |
mm/dd | Year 2018 |
| |
18/01 |
Extra Byte reloaded
| |
mm/dd | Years 2016 - 2017 |
--/-- |
Oops - Oops !
| |
mm/dd | Year 2015 |
| |
12/23 |
Two new NMR books
12/17 |
More about NMR smartphone Apps: Statusino
12/10 |
NMR software for mobile devices
09/26 |
A healthy surge in new NMR books
09/24 |
Demise of James Nelson Shoolery
04/08 |
Victor J.Bartuska, co-founder of ex-Chemagnetics, died
04/03 |
Two new books: Prepolarized 129Xe-NMR, and a Fetal Imaging tome
04/01 |
Breaking News: The End of Spin ... and of The Universe
03/29 |
Europe's NMR spectroscopy above 1 GHz
03/23 |
Premature departure of Alessandro Bagno
02/19 |
GE ordered by FDA to recall nearly 13'000 MRI scanners!
02/18 |
Spin Systems, Math Theorems, Sister Celine, and Machine Proofs
01/31 |
Table-top NMR diagnoses sepsis fast enough to save lives
01/25 |
Detection of a single nuclear-spin announced ... and retracted
01/23 |
New NMR/MRI books
01/11 |
A personal view of the state of NMR at the start of 2015
| |
mm/dd | Year 2014 |
| |
12/31 |
Magnetic Resonance on OEIS
12/25 |
Lists of NMR and ESR/EPR monographs are back in shape
11/30 |
Directory of MR-related Companies: a major UPDATE
| |
mm/dd | Year 2013 |
--/-- |
| |
mm/dd | Year 2012 |
| |
03/28 |
Heritage of the great ones
03/25 |
Sir Paul T.Callaghan left us
| |
mm/dd | Year 2011 |
| |
04/15 |
Automatic Structure Verification (ASV)
04/07 |
Celebrating the first Million
03/22 |
Educating MR Educators
03/12 |
Javelin NMR
03/08 |
Am I drilling a hole in the middle?
02/28 |
Post-crisis NMR market and technology
02/26 |
An NQR picoPrimer
02/21 |
Bibliometric Discredibility Pillory
02/18 |
MR and metronomes
02/10 |
More on MRI Safety
02/06 |
2011 MRI Safety Handbook
02/04 |
NMR jobs and other news from New Zealand
01/29 |
Keep your spinners smooth and clean!
01/27 |
Got memory, will log
01/23 |
Upcoming NMRCAVES Workshop
01/20 |
A new NMR textbook for chemists
01/13 |
01/12 |
ParaHyperpol generates and handles para-hydrogen
01/10 |
Rotating Molecules versus Rotating Spins
01/06 |
The tiniest NMR spectrometer ever
01/03 |
Spinning in Central Europe: MMCE and Valtice NMR meetings
01/01 |
Opening up 2011
| |
mm/dd | Year 2010 |
| |
------- |
2010 (d)
12/31 |
Closing down 2010
12/29 |
PERFIDI are finally airborne
12/20 |
Mercury in-vivo imaging?
12/09 |
A tsunami of MR events next January
12/08 |
Electron MR in Poland: a free collection of papers
11/30 |
NMR**2 and the Anniversary that Wasn't
11/27 |
Belated glimpses of SMASH 2010
11/25 |
New MR Wiki
11/24 |
New MRI books
11/23 |
Meta-materials for MR detectors?
11/22 |
FID apodization and ratios of peak integrals
11/17 |
Directory of MR Companies revamped
11/15 |
The Santander Talk
10/22 |
Lack of technical MR literature
10/20 |
Polish Electron Magnetic Resonance
------- |
2010 (c)
09/18 |
Field shims headaches
09/04 |
Magnetic Resonance and General Relativity
08/31 |
A new crop of MR books
08/26 |
Commercial fMRI lie detection service
08/19 |
Is there a future for Quantum Computing?
07/23 |
Happiness versus Bliss
07/21 |
Glimpses of WWMR
------- |
2010 (b)
06/26 |
In memory of Roy Bible
06/24 |
91st Edition of the CRC Handbook
06/23 |
Half-integer nuclei?
06/15 |
Compact permanent magnets for time-domain NMR
06/08 |
Dwindling 3He supplies
06/01 |
Hyphenated MRI
05/29 |
Structural Biology Music Video with an NMR section
05/26 |
Exciting NMR Spectroscopy books
05/24 |
Cryogen-free supercons knocking on MR doors
05/19 |
Glimpses of the 51st ENC
05/16 |
Why are spectral lines Lorentzian
05/15 |
Varian => Agilent: a never-ending story ENDED!
05/13 |
Varian => Agilent: a never-ending story
05/09 |
An update on Companies and Books
04/11 |
"Metabolomics" of NMR solvents
04/01 |
Magnetic Resonance Master Equation unveiled!
------- |
2010 (a)
02/13 |
NMR music and other issues
01/17 |
Recent NMR books
01/13 |
Agilent - Varian merger update
01/09 |
MRI versus competition
01/06 |
Fundamental MR constants
| |
mm/dd | Year 2009 |
| |
------- |
2009 (d)
12/31 |
Congratulations, Mister Keller
12/19 |
New MRI books
12/09 |
EPR at Work
11/28 |
MR in Geosciences
11/21 |
RF and EMF screening materials
11/19 |
An inequality for multi-exponential decays
11/16 |
A book I missed and NMR in Leipzig
11/12 |
Quantum Chemistry and NMR
11/09 |
A historic set of 60 MHz NMR spectra
11/03 |
Free info about Diffusion and NMR
11/01 |
Signs of geminal HH and HD couplings
10/31 |
Storing d-chloroform and other NMR solvents
10/17 |
An NMR Laboratory Store on Amazon
10/07 |
New Magnetic Resonance books
10/04 |
Glimpses of SMASH 2009
------- |
2009 (c)
09/30 |
Protein structure and scalar relaxation
09/13 |
Spin phase states and magnetic pseudo-monopoles
09/06 |
PERFIDI and other Magnetic Resonance patents
09/03 |
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry celebrates 40 years
08/11 |
MR garbage ... continued
07/27 |
Bye, bye, Varian
07/24 |
Got Kindle, will holiday ...
07/21 |
NMR tubes, or how to get poor very fast
07/14 |
Is protein structure determination by NMR a routine?
07/08 |
Paul Callaghan's MR videos you MUST see
------- |
Year 2009 (b)
06/30 |
Quo vadis, Varian?
06/13 |
Continuous Inverse Laplace Transform with UpenWin
06/03 |
The demise of Filippo Conti
05/31 |
FT versus CW: What we gained and what we lost
05/15 |
Corrected Stelar VTC driver
05/13 |
A couple of interesting new MR books
05/12 |
A new NMR blog
05/10 |
Magnetic Resonance and cryogen-free superconductor magnets
04/30 |
Disposing of superconductor magnets
04/29 |
Glimpses of the 50th ENC
04/10 |
Honors to Aksel A.Bothner-By
04/06 |
Spin Radiation, remote MR Spectroscopy, and MR Astronomy
------- |
Year 2009 (a)
03/22 |
Biography of Fu Chun Yu
03/15 |
New EPR (ESR) books
03/11 |
Imaging of electric currents by MR
03/08 |
Magnetic resonance and spinning tops
03/04 |
Let's discuss NMR spectra evaluation and interpretation
03/02 |
Are NMR spectra worse today than they used to be?
02/27 |
Average throughput rates of MRI scanners
02/25 |
Glimpses of MMCE 2009
01/31 |
Are MRI and NMR drifting apart?
01/01 |
Happy New Year 2009
| |
mm/dd | Year 2008 (b) |
| |
------- |
2008 (b)
12/31 |
Inventory of 2008 MR events and books
12/21 |
[it] RMN: Appunti di Lezione di Sandro Gambaro
12/18 |
Online Repository of Magnetic Resonance Theses
12/06 |
A Basic Guide to NMR by Jim Shoolery, 3rd Edition
11/15 |
FFT and the Cold War
11/08 |
A simple economy model for MR services
10/25 |
[it] Nuovi testi didattici di Spettroscopia NMR
10/15 |
What spin does a nucleus take
09/30 |
Chemical shifts of naked and dressed protons
09/25 |
Geometry of the AB quadruplet
09/19 |
NMR data archivation and compression
09/15 |
Glimpses of the Italian XXXVIII GIDRM meeting
09/08 |
How to get started on DICOM
08/19 |
The smallest NMR ever built (?)
08/15 |
The smallest complete ESR instrument ever built
08/08 |
A crop of new MR books
07/31 |
Spotting explosives and drugs: an Euromar 2008 update
07/30 |
Glimpses of EUROMAR 2008
------- |
2008 (a)
06/25 |
The largest J's ever measured
06/16 |
Are Bruker and Jeol NMR data wrong?
06/13 |
The story of Fu Chun Yu, co-discoverer of chemical shifts
06/10 |
Old Swan's eDISPA blues
06/08 |
NMR songs by Greg Crowther et al
05/31 |
Magnetic Resonance and Radio Pollution
05/27 |
Spin-noise radiation and NMR spectra/images measured without any RF pulses
05/06 |
Rheology and NMR
04/30 |
Impressions from 23rd NMR Valtice
04/27 |
Invitation to an EU-NMR Workshop
04/17 |
NMR and Antarctica
04/04 |
The best educational MRI site ever
04/02 |
NMR Wikis
03/31 |
Grab your copy of Nature Milestones in Spin
03/29 |
Glimpses of the 49th ENC
03/06 |
NMR spectra processing at 49th ENC
02/29 |
Helium scarcity: can it affect NMR and MRI communities?
02/13 |
Field-Cycling NMR and History of Superconductivity
02/02 |
Hyphenated and Hypernated NMR
01/24 |
Bruker + Bruker = Bruker
01/22 |
Magnetic Resonance of Spermatozoa
01/17 |
Directory of MR blogs of general interest
01/15 |
Spin Resonance and Warfare
| |
mm/dd | Year 2007 |
| |
12/31 |
Inventory of 2007 MR events and books
12/30 |
Chemical Shifts and Shyness
12/21 |
The NMR Spectroscopy Army rents combat stations!
12/19 |
An Invincible NMR Spectroscopy Army
12/17 |
More on coils versus antennas - and NQR
12/15 |
Coils versus Antennas
12/07 |
Carlos Cobas' new blog dedicated to NMR data handling
12/05 |
Quadrature versus linear detection, and where do complex MR data come from
11/19 |
Is it correct to say proton NMR ?
11/15 |
Nuclides versus nuclei
11/03 |
Welcome to SpectroscopyNOW readers!
10/30 |
MACS: The magic of inductive coupling in MAS spectroscopy
10/27 |
'Early NMR at Varian' - a clarification by Tim Lenoir
10/22 |
The ultimate size of the MRI market
10/15 |
Impressions from SMASH 2007
09/29 |
Drugs discovery, Dubai, and 15 Nobel prize winners
09/27 |
An important ESR meeting and ESR/NMR jealousy
09/01 |
Who has built the first NMR locks?
08/27 |
A contribution to the eternal fight against dead-time
08/23 |
NMR Logging - a fine book made available online for free
08/05 |
The puzzling FDA limits on dB/dt in clinical MRI
07/27 |
MRI Hardware: A two decade retrospective (by J.P.Hornak)
07/24 |
A new book concerned with teaching NMR spectroscopy
07/17 |
The peak magnetic field ever reached in the Sol System
07/15 |
Man-made magnetic fields: a state-of-the-art diagram
06/19 |
NMR tubes under pressure and measurement units
06/16 |
The most recent crop of MRI books
06/14 |
Impending NMR/MRI hardware revolution
06/09 |
[it] Scuola Specialistica NMR di piccole molecole di interesse organico-farmaceutico
06/08 |
Relaxation rate units: [1/s] or [Hz] ?
06/06 |
Two new NMR books tackle relaxation theory and catalysis, respectively
06/05 |
Glimpses from the 5-th Conference on Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry
05/27 |
The departure of Paul C. Lauterbur
05/21 |
Advances in computer-aided evaluation of high-resolution NMR spectra
05/19 |
What is the chemical composition of the ESR pitch standard
05/08 |
A crop of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) books
05/07 |
Visit to Metrolab and magnetic field measurements
04/22 |
Impressions from 22nd NMR Valtice
04/20 |
MR safety: Need for caution cannot be overstated
04/15 |
eDISPA: New approach to automatic phasing of HR-NMR spectra
04/07 |
Starting an RSS service
04/02 |
NMR Encyclopedia mystery solved
03/30 |
NMR Books and Pyramids
03/20 |
Fresh off the presses: Molecular and Cellular MR Imaging
03/06 |
X-domain NMR
03/01 |
An FFC-NMR relaxometry review made available online
02/28 |
An exciting APS meeting I have missed
02/21 |
Can fMRI become a new brain-snooping gadget?
02/14 |
New desktop MRI and FFC instruments
02/10 |
Update on the NMR process-analyzers scene (by J.C.Edwards)
02/02 |
A new source of super-paramagnetic particles
01/28 |
Companies popping-in and popping-out
01/01 |
Let us build a Large Magnetic Room
| |
mm/dd | Year 2006 |
| |
12/24 |
An hour long FID from an 11 Hertz NMR spectrometer
12/22 |
Will NMR jolt the Foundations of Physics?
12/09 |
Closing down 2006 MR meetings and opening the 2007 master list
12/07 |
NMR, MRI and ESR books published in 2006
11/29 |
NMR / MRI installations and earthquakes
10/18 |
Collection of ESR monographs
10/10 |
Why is it important for NMR's to have stable field and good homogeneity
10/08 |
Re: Superconducting magnets: earthquakes, quenches and other mishaps
09/27 |
Superconducting magnets: earthquakes, quenches and other mishaps
08/10 |
Non-magnetic tools for MRI and NMR
07/25 |
A graph of NMR-books publishing activity
07/23 |
Functional MRI (fMRI)
07/15 |
Collection of NMR monographs tops 500
06/29 |
MR jobs and salaries
06/26 |
News from the industrial front
06/12 |
The highest man-made magnetic fields
05/25 |
[it] Quattro K bastano ed avanzano
05/18 |
Magnetic-field noise and NMR signals
04/11 |
NMR is teaching tricks to IR and UV-VIS
04/04 |
New book: Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Liquids
03/22 |
Forsight of a genius
03/18 |
COST meeting on Lanthanide Chemistry for Diagnosis and Therapy
03/10 |
Multiple-sample probes
02/18 |
[it] MestRe Day al CISI (Univerità di Milano)
02/09 |
Esaote changed hands
02/08 |
PERFIDI !?! a new general-purpose NMR sequence
02/03 |
[it] Prendere fischi per fiaschi (di Vanni Piccinotti)
01/29 |
CHMOOGLE - a new on-line chemical search engine/database
01/06 |
Origin of the APSR sequence
01/03 |
Units and distributions of relaxation times
01/02 |
MRA: addendum
01/01 |
MRA: Magnetic Resonance Astronomy
| |
mm/dd | Year 2005 |
| |
12/30 |
Multiple solutions of HR-NMR spin-system spectra
12/07 |
What kind of instrument do I need to measure an NMRD profile ?
12/01 |
NMR and Nanotechnology
11/23 |
List of Early NMR references: an unwieldy Behemoth split in two
11/08 |
Second EuCheMS School on Protein Chemistry
10/31 |
Sorted list of over 500 (!) Books on NMR Spectroscopy and Relaxometry
10/30 |
W.G.Proctor's Reminiscences of the Early Days of NMR at Stanford
10/28 |
References on Early History of NMR
10/26 |
New process NMR platform under development
10/10 |
Two coils, two preamps, cooled probes ... ???
09/18 |
Scuola Nazionale di RMN a Torino (Torino, Italy, September 12-16)
09/09 |
950 MHz (22.31 Tesla) HR-NMR magnet is operative !
09/04 |
NMR in Microbiology by Jean-Philippe Grivet
09/02 |
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging - a new MRI/NMR Journal
07/20 |
NMR of solid urea - an unsolved mystery
07/15 |
Is this an NMR Instrument ?
07/10 |
GIDRM: Scuola Nazionale di RMN a Torino
06/15 |
Collections of thematic NMR references
05/29 |
05/28 |
4th Conference on Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry (Torino, Italy, May 26-28)
05/15 |
A new site combines NMR with Rheology
05/14 |
A headache! How should I manage the growing database of NMR links
05/11 |
NMR history links
05/09 |
Early MAS in Prague
05/03 |
We all know that ∇ ≡ {∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z}
04/27 |
What is this ...
04/12 |
[it] Domanda a bruciapelo su spazio-K da Mauro Cremonini
04/06 |
Meeting of Central European NMR Discussion Groups, April 4-6
| |